
About Us

Our Vision and Mission Statement

UCMAS applies innovative pedagogical techniques developed by program specialists that include child development experts and child psychologists to leverage educational trends and to maintain a world-class quality program that delivers maximum benefits to students.

Company Vision

The entire upcoming generation of young Cameroonians is endowed with the engaging and active brain fitness of the genius, through a successful national UCMAS program.

Company Mission

To make the whole brain development program accessible to every Cameroonian child by ensuring the establishment and successful operation of the UCMAS training program in all educational institutions for children in the 4 - 15 age bracket.

Our Activities

UCMAS is the sole organizer of the Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic (UCMAS) program in the world, and UCMAS Cameroon Ltd is the sole organizer of the UCMAS program in Cameroon.

Established in 1993, Mental Arithmetic is a form of calculation that does not involve the use of physical gadgets or instruments; it is solely done by the HUMAN MIND using the MIND’s POWER in performing calculations.

UCMAS is a global leader in promoting brain development for children through the use of abacus and Mental Arithmetic system. It is an ISO 9001 – 2008 certified program. In fact, it is a scientific whole brain development program. By visualizing an abacus, a child can do all arithmetic calculations up to 10 digits and master the skill of doing it mentally without relying on modern devices such as calculators.

Benefits of UCMAS Brain Development Program for Children

  • Remove math phobia
  • Builds memory skills
  • Fantastic arithmetic skills
  • Improves listening
  • Builds children concentration
  • Develops comprehensive skills
  • Develops photographic memory
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Improves accuracy and speed
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Reduce gadget dependency
  • Academic performance